Gray Foam Filters
Gray Sponge Filters
Disposable sponge filters to protect the life of the LT Blue Filter. 10 pack.
Disposable sponge filters to protect the life of the LT Blue Filter. 10 pack.
The gray foam filters are a porous material for protection. Due to its spongy material, it can protect Blue LT Filter. Nue Skin microdermabrasion machines are a closed-loop system. The flow of crystal waste collects in the gray foam.
This is the first line of defense for the machine’s protection. After each treatment, the gray foam filter needs to be cleaned. However, do not wash the gray sponges. They are only a collection of waste crystals or grains.
Beauty therapists need to wear gloves before cleaning the microdermabrasion waste container. Use gloved hands to remove as much of the crystals from the gray foam filter over a wastebasket. Then use compressed air to spray four short bursts of air to remove the rest of the residue of crystals or organic grains from the gray foam filter.
It is important to dispose of the gray filters after 10 treatments. Replace with a new filter. Remember the gray filter goes over the LT blue filter for full-body protection. Also, make sure the gray filter is covering the length of the LT filter.
Again, maintenance is the key to machine longevity. Skin for Life has been building microdermabrasion since 2003, our microdermabrasion machines are still operating in the esthetic industry today.
Skin for Life services Nue Skin Microdermabrasion Machines and non-Skin for Life Machines. Our service department evaluates and reviews the received machine. Once the service department obtains their notes they will contact the customer and provide them with a summary.
There are many options for non-skin for life equipment. We have successfully repaired Delphia (Edge Systems Machines), PowerPeel, Silhouet-Tone, Parisian Peel, and so much more…
Call Skin for Life to speak with our service department.
Maintenance is essential and required for all machines. Every machine has filters and short life. They must be changed every 15-20 treatments in order to maintain proper internal machine function.
It is recommended to service a microdermabrasion machine every two years for proper motor performance. Many manufacturing companies have discontinued their microdermabrasion machines. Skin for Life understands equipment investment.
We are here to support machines that are no longer able to obtain service from their equipment manufacturer.
After every microdermabrasion treatment, it is crucial to clean and maintain before treating a new client. The following are the required steps:
Approximate total time: 3-5 minutes. Must perform these steps after every treatment to maintain a sanitary environment in the treatment room.
Trademarked ingredient formulated for Skin for Life. LSS™ delivery is our exclusive Bio-emulsion nano-lipid technology. Our trademarked ingredients assist all skin colors, conditions and types by providing the best quality, innovation and superior bio-available ingredients. Our nano-lipid technology accelerates the effectiveness in ingredient absorption.
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